Motor Boatin'
Just wanted to stop by for an update. Well, I still haven’t gotten to ride in my mom’s new car yet but I did get to go out on my boat this weekend! Boy did that make my tail wag! It was pretty windy out though and I heard someone say that’d be our last time on the lake this year. How can that be?! It’s my favorite thing to do (besides snackin’ and nappin’) and I only got to go a few times this summer. Even though it made me sad to hear that I still tried to enjoy my last ride of the season as much as I could. Oh and you see this new contraption they put me in? Well I guess it’s called a “life vest” in case we sink. I know I have little T-Rex arms but don’t they have any faith in me? I think I’d be a good swimmer! This thing is kind of embarrassing to be honest. When I see a babe in another boat go by and she doesn’t have one on she’s gonna think I’m a goon! Oh well, at least I don’t have to wear it again until next year. As we covered up our boat and put it away for the year, I realized that we would have to do the same thing to our hot rods soon and then I got sad all over again! You know, it’s also important to get your daily driver ready for winter. Fall car care usually involves undercoating, checking your car’s heating system, suspension, fluid levels, and more! You know what’s the worst? When you get in your car in the morning and it’s all frosty, then your defroster won’t work and you end up being late for work! Don’t be this guy! Give my dad a call at Chase Car Care to have your fall car care checklist completed today!
Hugs & Sloppy Kisses,
