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Hey everybody!

Boy is it getting chilly out! I’m seeing lots of spooky Halloween decorations on my walks around town! You know what the scariest ones are? Cats! Boy do I hate those decorations but you know what I despise even more? The real things! Cats scare the heck out of me. At least when I meet a dog, we sniff each other and we figure out right then and there if we’re going to be friends. Cats are sneaky and they act like they want to be your friend but they’ll turn on you any second. Never trust a cat.

Anyways, as we continue to get further into October, I’ve got some important business I need to tend to. I need to figure out what I’m gonna be for Halloween! A couple years ago I was a hot dog. I know what you’re thinking…”Drake, you are already a ‘hot dog’.” Well, I know that but I was literally a hot dog with a bun, ketchup, mustard, the whole nine yards. That costume was cool and all but I have to admit it was pretty generic. I did step up my game a little the next year when I dressed up as a rocket ship. I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve for this year but with this whole pandemic or whatever it’s called, my sister said Halloween might be canceled! What the heck am I gonna do?! I love trick or treating! I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Either way, I know one thing I’m not going to dress up as- a cat!

There’s a lot that happens around here in October. The leaves change, I get to go to my camp more often, and I get to have pumpkin with my food! October is also car care month which means it’s a great time to get your car in and all ready to go for winter. My friends at Chase Car Care do a free courtesy check with any service your car comes in for. This includes checking your brakes, heating system, suspension, tires, fluid levels, and more, free of charge! Call my dad today to schedule your appointment!





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