Dam Fun
Hey everybody!
I didn’t get to go out on my boat this weekend because the weatherman said it was going to rain on Sunday. He has been screwing up my plans a lot lately. I did get to go to the boat launch and hang out with my friends for a while though and while I was there I got to watch a boat parade! It was for something called an “election” that’s coming up I guess. Everybody had flags on their boats supporting some guy they want to win the “race,” as some call it. Man, he must be tired by now from all this racing! I tried to race my friend Maggie once and I was panting so hard I had to stop and take a nap! This thing they’re racing for must be pretty important if they haven’t quit by now. I don’t really care much about this race, I just thought it was fun to see everyone come together for the boat parade! If that darn weatherman would’ve been right maybe I would’ve gotten to be in the parade too! Do you know how many bums I could’ve sniffed at a parade?! Speaking of the weather, it’s starting to cool down out there. Fall will be here before we know it. Have you thought about getting your car ready for fall? Give my dad a call at Chase Car Care to have a fall car care check over! They will check over your battery, tires, alignment, suspension, fluid levels, and more to make sure you can get to all of your destinations safely this fall.
Hugs & Sloppy Kisses,
