Gobble 'til You Wobble
Hey everybody! Aren't you so excited that Thanksgiving is just a week away?! Man I'm drooling just thinking about it. I have to get my stretchy pants ready for that 20 pound Butterball my sister just brought home. Last year, I stuffed myself so full that I acquired what some call a "spare tire" around my midsection. This only became more inflated as Christmas rolled around and I couldn't stop eating all those cookies! Then when New Years came around I was about ready to blow so I made it a point to work hard and I eventually lost it all. I haven't decided yet just how far I'll let myself go this year because it wasn't easy getting rid of that extra tonnage. Just like my spare tire was fully inflated last holiday season, you'll want to make sure your car's is too! A lot of people just forget about their spare tire until there's a roadside emergency and it must be used. Often times, it'll go flat and then you're stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and a flat spare so you have to pay for a tow. That, my friends, is the formula for a bad day! Give my friends at Chase Car Care a call and have them check your spare the next time you're in for a service. Oh, by the way, all towing is free this month for any crash work coming into our body shop! Even though I love to stuff my short little self full of food on Thanksgiving, I know that it's about much more than mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie. It's about being thankful for all that we are blessed with. Boy do I sure have a lot that I'm thankful for! Let us know what you're thankful for too by commenting on our post!
Gobble Gobble,