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Waggin' for a Cure

Hey everybody! There's quite a lot going on this month! Last weekend I got to do something that was so much fun! I went to "Bark for Life!" If you don't know what that is, it's like Relay for Life but for dogs! They had all sorts of events we could sign up for. I did musical squares, the tail wagging contest, and the peanut butter lick. I think my sister and her boyfriend were a little annoyed with me during the peanut butter lick because when they sat the plate in front of me I didn't do anything. Dude, there were hot dogs grilling right behind me and babes all around. I surely wasn't going to embarrass myself with peanut butter getting stuck in my mouth when there was the possibility of stealing a hot dog off the grill. Anyways, I didn't win anything but I sure did try real hard. The best part is, you didn't even have to win to get prizes! I got a whole goodie bag full of stuff! It wasn't all fun and games though. I know that cancer affects a whole lot of people and pups alike so I was happy to be able to support a good cause.

I was gearing up for October at work because it's car care month but then I saw all these pink ribbons and stuff on my walks and my sister told me that it's breast cancer awareness month. You see, someone very special to me was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple months ago so I understand how scary it can be, especially at first when you don't have a lot of answers. What I realized through all of it though, is that women (and men) with breast cancer, or any type of cancer for that matter, are a different breed. They are strong, courageous, and faithful. They have amazing senses of humor despite everything they're facing. Sometimes I think they have more hope, fight, and zest for life in them than those of us who don't face such a diagnosis. That being said, we at Chase Car Care want to show these very special people that we don't just care about their cars, we care about them as a whole person. We've decided to use 10% of every brake job we perform in the month of October and put it towards creating care packages for local people fighting breast cancer. If you know someone currently battling this disease in the Russell, Lander, or Sugar Grove area, please let us know by calling, emailing, or messaging us with their contact info. Please help us put the brakes on breast cancer- it would sure make my tail wag!

Sloppy Kisses,


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