Party Like It's Your Birthday
Hey everybody!
Something big happened since I talked to you last- I turned 4! I got to have a pool party at my BFF Maggie's house and then we celebrated all the June birthdays in my family at our camp. I unwrapped some brand new toys and treats and indulged in lots of delicious snacks. Like I said, I went to Maggie's house for a dip in her pool, but neither of us were interested in it. I was sure that as soon as I got in, my sister would get the soap out and give me a bath as usual. Plus, why would I want to be outside when I had my very own birthday cake inside in the A/C? My aunt also made us some yummy frozen peanut butter treats! Needless to say, Maggie and I had a great day! When we were on our way to my camp for my other party, something unfortunate happened. Our car broke down! None of us had our phones and there were still a couple miles to go so my sister got out and started to walk while my dad kept trying to make it run. It would only run for a little bit and then it would quit again. I was so scared I was going to miss the party that my teeth were chattering! After a few times of stopping and starting, we were finally able to coast downhill all the way to the camp. I was so nerved up when we got there that I ate all my feelings in pizza and chicken wings. When I got home later that night I was so full and tired that I passed out on the couch downstairs and never made it up to bed. Don't be like me and break down with no phone! First, schedule a check-over with my friends at Chase Car Care to ensure that your vehicle is running smoothly, especially if you're planning a trip out of town. Second, put our phone number in your contacts (814-757-8580) and give us a ring if you have any problems like I did this weekend.