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Why can't we be friends?

Hi everybody! I just had to write to you today in hopes you can help me out with something. As you know, one of my favorite things to do is walk around town. I love running through the school parking lot, meeting new people, and enjoying the nice aroma of fresh meat when I walk by town and country. I meet lots of new companions, human and canine alike. You see, I love making new friends, but I've learned the hard way this week that they aren't always eager to meet me. Last weekend, I was walking on my merry way and a big, yellow dog came running after me bearing its teeth and growling. I didn't know what to do! Luckily, it listened to my sister when she yelled at it and went back to its family, who made sure that we didn't get hurt. "Whew, that was a close one," I thought and went on with my day. Yesterday, my mom asked me if I wanted to go for a walk and I howled, "Duh! I'm always up for a walk!" That excitement soon faded when I made my way to the corner of the street and a big brown dog came charging at me, barking and growling ferociously with its teeth showing. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna die," I thought until I heard my mom scream. I don't know what she said, but this pooch stopped running at me and just stood there growling. I barked back at him once, timidly, but who am I kidding? I'm a lover, not a fighter and I sure as heck wasn't going to win that battle. I was so scared that my mom and I were going to get hurt but luckily, he ran behind someone's house so the coast was clear. Clinging to my mom's side, we made our way back home. All of the sudden, the same dog came out from behind the house and charged at us again! I don't know what this dude's beef is with me but man I sure made him mad somehow. He kept barking and growling but then he got distracted by something else down the street long enough for us to escape. I felt relieved when I got home but still didn't want to leave my mom's side. I was too scared to even go outside and play in my fence. I wish I knew what I did to these pups that upset them so much so I could fix it. Maybe they like to pick on me because of my long ears and crooked legs. My sister tells me that I'm the most handsome boy in the world. Maybe to her, but I don't think I'm convincing the other neighborhood hounds of that anytime soon. Then I heard my family saying that I might not be able to go for walks anymore because they don't want me to get hurt. I sure hope that's not true because I don't know what else I would do. I suppose I could take my '49 Chevy out for a cruise. Those meanies will never catch up to me in that! If you have a dog, especially an aggressive one, please keep a closer eye on it so pups like me can enjoy our daily strolls through the Grove.



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