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Happy Howlidays

Is your sleigh ready to go over the river, through the woods, and to grandma's house this season? If you don't think you'll make it, you might want to take advantage of our December special- buy four new tires and get a free alignment! My friend Paul at Chase Car Care got my sleigh ready to go all the way to Salamanca in a few weeks! You see, there is this thing called an animal rescue there and I'm collecting all sorts of stuff to bring to my furry friends! My sister told me that these animals came from homes where they weren't treated as well as I am, they were given up because their owners could no longer care for them, or maybe they didn't even have a home in the first place. I know no one could tell by my droopy face, but this made me really sad. Luckily, there is a group of nice people at Empire Animal Rescue Society (EARS) that are giving them all the care in the world until they are adopted. My sister also said that Carl, the dog they had before me who used to write this blog, was from EARS. Since I know that Christmas is all about giving, I decided to take up a collection for all these animals, but I need your help! For a list of items they are in need of, please visit My sleigh to Salamanca rolls out on January 5th. If anyone would like to donate, you can do so by stopping by my dad's shop Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. Anything you could give would sure make my tail wag.

Sloppy Kisses and Christmas Wishes,


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