Scratch That Itch
I'm really enjoying this nice fall weather! I love going on long walks through Sugar Grove and playing in the leaves. There is a lot going on this month! A couple weeks ago my sister asked me if I wanted to go to church. I don't know what church is but I'm always up for something new so I got ready for this new adventure and away we went. We walked down to the park in town and were greeted by tons of other dogs, a couple rabbits, and what I think was a hedgehog. It turns out, I was attending the annual "pet blessing." I had so much fun meeting all the people and their pets! We all went up one by one to get blessed by pastor PJ and I got myself into a bit of trouble. You see, I got this itch right before I was about to go up so like I would any other time, I drug my bum across the sidewalk. My mom said that was inappropriate for me to do at such a time but no one else seemed to care. Some people laughed at me and I even got a treat afterwards! So all in all, even though I got yelled at, I think church is pretty cool and I'm looking forward to going back next year. I've also gone to PetSmart a couple times this month and I bought a couple toys and a Halloween costume (stay tuned)! I had to pay for them myself though so I've been working quite a bit. October is car care month so when I'm greeting people at Chase Car Care, I've been telling them about our sweet special we have going on which is a free four wheel alignment when you buy four new tires! An alignment is normally $73 and we recommend one every time new tires get put on for even tread wear. So if you need tires and want to save yourself a chunk of change, give my dad a call today!
Slobbery Kisses,