Nothin' but a Hound Dog
Hi, my name is Drake! I am a three year old Basset Hound and I came to live with the Chase family a few weeks ago. I was told when they first got me that their other pup had a blog and I might have to take it over for him. Who would've thought going to a new house would mean I had to get a job too?! I guess they expect me to pay rent...ridiculous. Anyways, I know that I cannot replace Carl or mimic his writing abilities and I do not take this responsibility lightly, but I would like to use this opportunity as a way to keep his blog going and let you know what's going on around the shop as well as what's going on in my personal life! So far, I have adjusted to my new home pretty well. It's different having to go to work every day, but I serve several roles at Chase Car Care, which keeps me on my paws. Along with marketing, I also serve as the greeter and I help my brother in the tow trucks when he goes to pick someone up. My favorite job is being the greeter though because I get to meet all sorts of new people! Some of them love to see me and others are intimidated by my deep, hound dog bark. I don't want to stay a greeter forever though. I'm going to work hard and show my boss I have what it takes to go all the way to the top! I'll have to keep you all posted on how that works out. When I'm not writing for my blog, greeting, or riding in the tow truck, I am usually found sitting on my dad's lap at the desk. He says I'm too big to be a lap dog because I'm 65 pounds (don't judge, it's mostly muscle) but I like to be up high so I can see everything. If you are a customer at my dad's shop and you like reading our blogs, I would love it if you stopped by so I could shake your hand and howl for you! I can also tell you about the specials we have going on!
Sloppy Kisses,