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Live Like You Were Dying

Last week I wasn't feeling too good so my family took me to the doctor. I know I'm supposed to be a big, tough boy but I hate getting on that shiny, slippery table to be poked with a needle and touched all over. Don't get me wrong, my doctor and his helper are very nice people, but that's one thing that scares the heck out of me! I was shaking so bad my teeth were chattering and I was grasping onto the side of the table for dear life! After doing some tests and waiting around, the doctor said, "he has lymphoma." I don't really know what that means but I'm guessing it's not good because my sister started crying and asked how long I had left. "How long I have left for what?" I thought as I got back in the car. They said I'm almost seven years old and that's when you can get this 'lymphoma.' "What is my sister so upset about?" I wondered as we drove home. I have these lump things all over me and I've been getting pretty tuckered out lately. It's hard to breathe at times because my throat is swelled up. I heard my mom tell someone on the phone that I have cancer. I don't really know what that is. All I know is that when you have cancer you get to go on a ride every single day, you get to eat pretty much whatever you want, you get to sit on the couch, and you get to play outside a lot more. Also, your sister smothers you even more than normal and tells you she loves you about 100 times more a day. Your mom and dad always ask how you're doing and take you more places, and your brother stops to check on you and take you for rides. I still love doing all these things but I just get pretty tired now. Even though I'm not too sure what's going on, I'm just taking it day by day. I rest when I get tired but I embrace all the extra attention and things I get to do. I'm told that there's a place I can go called "doggy heaven" where you can eat all the pepperoni you want, where you have your own couch facing a big window to look out, and where there are tons of squeaky toys! I've been a lot of places over the years being a rescue pup, but this one sounds awesome! My sister also told me that I could trade my '91 Nissan Sentra in for a brand new Corvette when I get there! Wouldn't that be sweet?!

Sloppy Kisses,


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