Dog Days
I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been pretty busy going for rides and knocking over the garbage can. I just thought I'd share a picture of me in my dad's old Ford truck. There's nothing I love more than the windows down and the wind in my face! I love getting biscuits at the bank and the gas station and sometimes I even get to go for ice cream! I feel really bad when I see my fellow canines sitting in the car on these hot summer days. My family never leaves me in a hot car unattended-partly because I like to get in the front seat and slobber everywhere, but also because they don't want me to get overheated. If you have to leave your fur baby in the car for some reason, make sure the air conditioner is running and blowing cold air. To make sure your A/C is working properly, have my friends at Chase Car Care check it out for you today! My friend Paul has lots of experience with air conditioning. He will diagnose and fix your problem in no time!